Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bottled Water Without Fluoride

Date:  Sep-19-2012 00:05 AM
by: FullSpike Research Team

Editor's Note:  A recent Harvard study shows that fluoride reduces IQ in children.
In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.
It might be a good idea to avoid the on-purpose fluoridated baby water, at the very least.
List of companies WITHOUT FLUORIDE in their bottled water 

Got Fluoride?

Fluoride Health Problems

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the presence of fluoride in public drinking water (fluoridation). For starters, before fluoride was used to fight cavities, it was (and still is) used in insecticides and rat poision.
Fluorosis is a condition that wears down the enamal of the tooth, leaving behind white spots, making the teeth more vulnerable to cavities and decay. Fluorosis is a very real health condition that can effect both children and adults. More and more evidence is mounting against the use of fluoride, even in small amounts. But it doesn't appear to be a critical issue according to the US Surgeon Generals, as the last 5 Surgeon Generals have supported the fluoridation of drinking water. Incidentally, the claimed health benefits almost always point to oral health. Fortunately, the CDC is calling for new labeling rules requiring manufacturers to list a product's fluoride content, which we have found to be missing in some cases.

What is too much Fluoride?

Fluoride itself is actually required by our bodies in low doses. When consumed in high amounts, specifically the man-made fluoride that is in public drinking water, can cause problems. An estimated 5-10g of sodium fluoride can be lethal for some adults. While fluoride provides benefits to your oral health, it can also come with adverse side effects, that vary in severity depending upon the amount of fluoride consumed. Excessive consumption of fluoride can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. This can occur with doses 15 to 20 times lower than actual lethal doses (0.2-0.3mg/kg). Fluoride in exessive amounts can also cause problems in the formation bone.
  • Children under 6: (Toothpaste) - "A pea sized amount"
  • Adults: (Toothpaste) fluoride dentifrice (1,000 ppmF) or 1.0 g or more for adults
Click here for the list of non-fluoridated bottled water

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