Thursday, May 31, 2012

NATO 2012: Dissidents vs. The War Machine

Source: #OccupyPdxNews @CarrieFoTruth
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 4:07am
by: Carrie R. Medina

Story and Photographs By  
When I left for the NATO summit, I expected the police in Chicago were going to be oppressive against protesters, if not downright violent. There had been quite a bit of media buzz around the Chicago Police Department having spent a million dollars on riot and tactical gear, as well as them announcing they had an LRAD (long-range acoustic device), a military weapon capable of emitting painful noises to disburse crowds. Residents of Chicago had been advised to not wear suits (so as not to enrage the protesters), stay indoors, have food and water on-hand, and even to leave town if possible. From my perspective, this was obvious fear-mongering on the part of the police. There was little reason to believe that a peaceful anti-war protest was going to turn into the LA riots. I had no idea, however, how the police were going to act.

War Criminal Henry Kissinger confronted on Bilderberg and Mass Murder

Source: wearechange
Date: 5/31/2012

Video Description
This is one of the 12 videos you will see released on May 31st during our 12 hour Donation Drive broadcast at Bilderberg. Help WeAreChange reach our goal @ watch live here

For decades, a shadowy and secret elite organization called the Bilderberg Group has plotted policy together that subjugates humanity under the cover of darkness. On the first day of the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, VA on May 31st, from 10am to 10pm, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange will shine a much needed light on the group's members and media pundits that have kept details about the group hidden from the American public. Tune into for a twelve hour donation drive being broadcast outside the Bilderberg conference to watch TWELVE never seen before confrontations released LIVE every hour. If you want to continue to hold these politicians accountable and make sure the elites continue to hear the voice of the people, donate to at

WeAreChange's Schedule for the release of the 12 never before seen confrontation videos. We will release these videos while streaming live from Chantilly, VA, outside the Bilderberg meeting. Starts Thursday, May 31st at 10am.

1. Tony Blair (10am)
2. Lawrence O'Donnell (11am)
3. Alan Greenspan (12pm)
4. George Pataki (1pm)
5. Charlie Rose (2pm)
6. Ted Turner (3pm)
7. Henry Kissinger (4pm)
8. Jill Abramson (5pm)
9. Vernon Jordan (6pm)
10. Paul Wolfensohn (7pm)
11. Lou Dobbs and Paula Zahn (8pm)
12. Lord Jacob Rothschild (9pm)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bilderberg 2012: Secretive summit kicks-off in Virginia

Source: RT News
Date: 5/30/2012 upload date
by: Abby Martin

Video Description
For a little over 50 years, an elite organization has met all around the world in total secrecy with nearly zero press coverage. On Thursday, the annual Bilderberg Conference will take place in Chantilly, Virginia where the world's leaders are believed to make decisions that could possibly have an effect on the world. Abby Martin looks closer at Bilderberg's global policies for a new world order as RT readies to cover this year's event later this week.

Bilderberg Discussion on British TV (Video)

Source: Edge Media via YouTube
Date: 5/30/2012 upload date
by: Patrick Henningson and Charlie Skelton

Video Description journalist Patrick Henningsen and Guardian correspondent Charlie Skelton discuss the secretive Bilderberg Group on British TV with Edge Media's "On The Edge" show, airing on SKY Channel 200 Controversial TV.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Phony ‘Houla Massacre’: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria

Source: Infowars
Date: May 28, 2012
by: Patrick Henningson

If you are still needing an academic tutorial on exactly how the mainstream media is able to generate a completely phony public consensus to support foreign intervention projects, you need look no further than the dangerous, fictional narrative currently being rolled out regarding Syria.
Read the rest of this great article here

See also:
  1. Atrocities Made to Order, Tony Cartalucci, Infowars
  2. Syrian Houla Massacres: Divide & Conquer Strategy Exposed, Syrian Girl, Infowars
  3. BBC Caught In Syria Massacre Propaganda Hoax, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars
  4. Guardian’s Houla Massacre Propaganda Stunt Uses “Little Kid”, Tony Cartalucci, Infowars

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Welcome to the #hydrino based economy courtesy of Blacklight, Power Inc.

This news release today really caught my eye.  After decades of R&D, Blacklight Power, Inc. might finally release a commercial product as early as 2013.  Per their recent May 22, 2012 news release obtained from MarketWatch, Blacklight's novel CIHT process (basically direct electricity generation from a new kind of fractional quantum state hydrogen atom called the hydrino, which is coaxed in to existence from plain old water vapor) has been validated by six independent sources, including MIT and the California Institute of Technology.  Dr. Randell L. Mills' (chairman of the board, CEO and President of Blacklight Power, Inc.) hydrino theory, which suggests that the hydrogen atom can actually take on a more stable fractional quantum state than the currently known/accepted ground state, has been met with extreme skepticism in the past.  As an example, Dr. Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist from City College of New York (whom I have the utmost respect for btw) once called the hydrino theory "dumb."

However, it appears that some scientists have started to warm up to the idea of the hydrino.  Quoting W. Henry Weinberg professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Applied Physics at California Institute of Technology:
"It would be irrational not to be very skeptical, and I was extremely skeptical. However, after having reviewed Dr. Mills classical theory, participated in experimental designs and execution, and having reviewed vast amounts of other data BLP produced, I have found nothing that warrants rejection of their extraordinary claims, and I encourage aggressive optimization and fast track development of a scaled up prototype," said Dr. Weinberg. "To be able to use hydrogen from water as a cheap and nonpolluting source of power would represent one of the most important technological breakthroughs in history."[1]
Refer to the article I wrote back in December of 2010 titled Blacklight Power, Inc. Survives Over a Decade of Skepticism for further details on this revolutionary technology and company.

[1]  Electricity generated from water: BlackLight Power announces validation of its scientific breakthrough in energy production, MarketWatch

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicago Police Van Runs over Protesters and Journalists Raided by Police

The day before the first day of the NATO summit had some unusual and highly disturbing events. A police van apparently encountered a group of protesters and the driver gunned the engine to force them aside. One man (Jack "Mayhem" Amico) was seriously injured and taken to the emergency room.
Video Description
At approximately 10:40 p.m. on Saturday, May 19th, 2012 a Chicago Police van drove into a crowd of demonstrators who were attempting to cross westbound over the Jackson Street bridge at the Chicago River.

Chicago Police van number 6751, accelerated as it passed through the crowd, striking several people and seriously injuring one victim who was later transported to the emergency room. The extent of the victim's injuries are not known.

The driver of the van made no attempt to ascertain the condition of any of the people that were struck. Witnesses watched as the van passed through the phalanx of police surrounding the scene and drove away from the area. Had there been a civilian driving, they would certainly have been charged with a hit-and-run on a pedestrian in the roadway and taken into custody once they had been apprehended.

No order to disperse had been given to the crowd. The van was running it's siren, however police vans in close proximity to the rear of the crowd had been running their sirens all day, so it was not immediately noticed that the van was intending to pass through the crowd. The occupants of the van made no attempt to use the public address loudspeakers to warn those in their path.

Here is a close-up of the man being hit:

In addition, some peaceful live streaming journalists Luke Rudkowksi, Tim Pool, Jeoff Shively, Dustin and Jess were driving home after covering a NATO protest in Chicago only to have their car raided by police. They were approached by 12 Chicago police officers with guns drawn and spent the rest of the night checking their gear for planted evidence or bugs and looking for new lodging.
